Wednesday, February 1, 2012

West Genny!

WG - 1/31/12
We asked the folks in West Genesee to reflect on their current technology integration practices based on an an excerpt from a book entitled "It's Elementary! Integrating Technology in the Primary Grades" by Boni Hamilton.  We thought it only fair that we try to answer the same questions in regards to our preparation for our time with them on Tuesday.

What do you need to stop doing?
We need to stop waiting until the last minute to finalize our plans.  We always feel prepared until we sit down and talk through the actual lesson sequence together, when suddenly we realize there a a few last minute modifications to make or tasks to finish.  We end up feeling rushed to fine tune our work.  If we put our talk-through on our schedule a bit more in advance, we would be more prepared with less pressure.

What do you need to keep doing, but do more purposefully?
We work hard to plan effective lessons, both face-to-face and virtual. We spend a large amount of time discussing our own experiences and researching strong pedagogy. We believe the blended professional development we design and facilitate is an efficient and effective way to provide educators with individualized professional development to meet their needs.  We need to continue to develop our own skills as online instructors.  We need to make sure that we know enough about the folks who take our courses so that we can best meet their needs and help them reach their professional goals.

What do you need to start doing?
All of the above, and practice what we preach!  If we expect our course participants to engage thoughtful reflection, then we need to make it a regular practice of our own. No time like the present!

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